Our subscription runs from 1st September to 31st August.
Annual subscription fee is £60. This includes free admission to weekly meetings.
Byfleet Art Group meet at St Mary's Church Hall, 124 Church Road, Byfleet KT14 7NF every Tuesday during term time, between 7pm and 9-30pm.
To join Byfleet Art Group come along to a Tuesday evening meeting. You are welcome to attend two meetings for free before deciding to join us.
General painting
Bring your own subject matter and materials. Tutors are on hand to offer help and advice.
Members £5 - Non members £6.
Non members are welcome to accompany members to view visiting professional artists demonstrating their own work.
Resident artists demonstrate different styles and techniques for you to follow. Bring your own materials.
We have a large selection of art books and DVDs which are available to borrow.
We also stock a variety of different materials, paper and card stock which can be experimented
with for a small fee.
We hold a Spring and an Autumn Exhibition each year at the Catholic Church Hall, Madeira Road,
West Byfleet, KT14 6BH. Members submit paintings, prints and greetings cards for sale.
Painting Groups
Several members of Byfleet Art Group are also members of Woking Art Society.